A Russian scientist believes a remote Siberian rock formation may be the first place that humanity began to follow the movements of the heavens.
Sunduki, known as the Siberian Stonehenge, is a series of eight sandstone outcrops on a remote flood plain on the bank of the Bely Iyus river in the republic of Khakassia.
Professor Vitaly Larichev, of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, claims that the 16,000-year-old site was not only a place of huge religious significance in the ancient world, but also its stargazing capital.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2312902/Is-Siberian-Stonehenge-really-birthplace-astronomy--Astonishing-theory-remote-spot-used-stargazers-16-000-years-ago.html#ixzz2RHQlevum
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