středa 19. června 2013

It's the end of the world, as we view it: The furthest extremes of the Earth visible on Google Maps (Daily Mail)

"Thanks to Google's Street View project it is possible to travel to travel to the far reaches of the Earth without ever leaving your armchair.

But although the search giant's mapping project is ongoing, there are limits to the virtual journeys possible on the world-beating online service.

Inspired in part by the geography game GeoGuessr, Atlantic blogger Ian Taylor set out to find out just where the end of the road lies on Google Street View."

The LEGO® Movie - Official Teaser Trailer [HD]

úterý 18. června 2013

Russia Lied About How The First Man In Space Died (Jalopnik)

On March 27, 1968, the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, died. He was in a MiG-15 on a routine training flight with his instructor when his plane crashed. The official explanation has been that he had to avoid a "foreign" object, but new information from Cosmonaut Alexi Leonov tells a different story.P
Leonov was the first man to walk in space, and much later was also on the committee that investigated Gagarin's crash. Leonov has been trying to reveal the truth of what happened for over 20 years, and the information has only now been de-classified, prompting Leonov to explain the truth of what happened in an interview with Russia Today.P
Of the official "foreign object" explanation — which could mean a goose, a hot air balloon, a squirrel in a home-made bark ultralight — Leonov says “That conclusion is believable to a civilian – not to a professional,” and reveals that the truth is that another fighter jet, a Sukhoi Su-15, flew much too close to Gagarin's MiG.P
The issue was that the Su-15 was flying far lower than it was supposed to. As Leonov tells RT:P
“We knew that a Su-15 was scheduled to be tested that day, but it was supposed to be flying at the altitude of 10,000 meters or higher, not 450-500 meters. It was a violation of the flight procedure.”P
When the Su-15 flew so close to Gagarin's plane, the passage caused the MiG to go into an uncontrollable spin, similar to that scene in Top Gun I bet at least half of you are picturing right now. Leonov explains to Russia Today:
“While afterburning the aircraft reduced its echelon at a distance of 10-15 meters in the clouds, passing close to Gagarin, turning his plane and thus sending it into a tailspin – a deep spiral, to be precise – at a speed of 750 kilometers per hour,"P
The involved and intense 40+ year cover up was mostly to hide that such a lapse in air-traffic logistics could have happened so close to Moscow and to someone so important. In fact, Gagarin was deemed too valuable a public relations tool to ever be sent into space again, especially after the death of Vladimir Komarov in Soyuz 1, a mission Gagarin himself felt was launched prematurely.P
Gagarin had proven to be a PR handful after his flight, behaving in ways the Soviet leadership found problematic, such as diving out of a second-story window when his wife caught him with another woman. Because of the Soviets' desire to keep Gagarin as a pure propaganda tool, there has been much speculation that the accident that took his life was planned by the KGB, along with many other conspiracy theories.P
The truth is more mundane, but no less tragic. P
One of the conditions of finally allowing Leonov to reveal the truth is that the Su-15's pilot remains anonymous. As Leonov wisely points out,P
I was asked not to disclose the pilot’s name. He is a good test pilot…It will fix nothing,”
source - 

The Coolest Flags in Human History (

"A flag embodies the hopes and aspirations of a country or state. It's more than just an emblem — it's a grand statement. So it's too bad so many flags are kind of boring. Here are some flags from throughout history (plus a few current ones) that bring some serious pizzazz."

Complete selection of weird and/or awesome flags here -

středa 12. června 2013

Sloni si postavili hlavu a zablokovali dopravu ve Frýdku-Místku (Novinky)

Dopravu na frýdecko-místecké estakádě ve středu odpoledne opravdu na několik desítek minut neplánovaně zastavila trojice slonů.
„Šlo o akci cirkusu, který u nás v těchto dnech zastavil. Sloni a jiná zvířata procházejí městem každoročně, ovšem letos se slonům nelíbila lávka u Víceúčelové haly a odmítli přes ni přejít řeku Ostravici. Proto jsme museli trasu vedoucí ze starého autobusového nádraží na náměstí Svobody ve Frýdku změnit,“ popsal zástupce ředitele městské policie ve Frýdku-Místku Ivo Kališ.
Trojice slonů se tak na svou pouť vydala po hlavní cestě. „Byl tam i jeden menší, který se hodně bál projíždějících aut. Proto jsme museli dopravu na chvíli zastavit,“ doplnil Kališ.
Po příchodu na náměstí dostali sloni nažrat a vydali se zpět do cirkusu.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - Official Trailer (HD)

Photo of the Week - Hugo Boss Ad from 1940´s?

Probably it´s not real or authentic but it very well might be.

"Hugo Boss started his clothing company in 1924 in Metzingen. His company was supplier for Nazi uniforms since 1924. Hugo Boss was one of the firms contracted by the Nazis to design the black SS uniforms along with the brown SA shirts, and the Hitler Youth uniforms."

source - mhh toast & bitches

60 Comics Everyone Should Read (BuzzFeed)

"Comics are literature, and this is the canon. Plus, 60 more to read when you’ve read and loved these."

The list is divided into parts: Superheroes (Batman, Superman, Hellboy), Fantasy, Sci-Fi & Adventure (Tintin, Akira, Fables, Sandman), Comic strips (Calvin and Hobbes, Moomin, Peanuts), Non-Fiction & Historical Fiction (Buddha, From Hell, Maus), Memoir & Autobiography (Blankets, Clumsy, Persepolis) and Graphic Novels (Black Hole, The Contract with God, Ghost World). 

So start to build your own comics collection! Check the full list -   

Tiny Planets I.

These are Tiny Planets - Frydek (1) and Hradec Králové (2,3). Made from bunch of my photos by iOS app (Android version exists too) TinyPlanet. I love it! More to come. If you want to see how are they made click here or here.

úterý 11. června 2013

Apple announces iOS 7, 'biggest change' since the introduction of the iPhone, coming this fall (The Verge)

"Apple has officially taken the wraps off of iOS 7 at its Worldwide Developer Conference today. iOS 7 is the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system that debuted back in 2007 on the original iPhone. According to Apple CEO Tim Cook, iOS 7 is the biggest change to the platform since the iPhone was introduced five years ago. The new design is evident in everything from sharper, flatter icons, slimmer fonts, a new slide-to-unlock function, and a new control panel that slides up from the bottom of the screen for frequently accessed settings. The stock apps have all been redesigned — including a major revamp of the weather app with new animations that are scarily reminiscent of Yahoo's great-looking Weather app graphics.
Apple's head of design Jony Ive notes that the new icons feature a new palette of colors — gone are the bold, primary colors of old, replaced by modern shades and tones. Flat design is very prominent in iOS 7 — everything from the buttons to the switches to the chrome surrounding apps has been modernized and flattened. Apple says that the new design makes your phone "appear bigger" because each app makes better use of the screen real-estate available to it. The calendar, phone, messages, Game Center, and others have all lost their skeuomorphic designs and now feature clean, flat layouts. The signal bars in the upper left corner of the phone have also been replaced with a series of dots.
The new built-in apps all feature sliding, gesture-based navigation. Folders can now support hundreds of apps — the 12- to 16-app limit is a thing of the past. Notification Center has been redesigned with greater control over how many notifications you can view at once and the ability to view Notification Center from the lockscreen. You can now drill down to just your notifications for today, which gives an "at a glance" view of upcoming calendar events, weather, and traffic for the day.

pondělí 10. června 2013

How Common Is Your Birthday? (The Daily Viz)

"A friend posted an interesting data table on my Facebook wall yesterday, which was my birthday. The data listed each day of the year with a ranking for how many babies were born in the United States on each date from 1973 to 1999. Some interesting trends are evident in the data. Apparently, people like to make babies around the winter holiday season because a large proportion of babies are born in September (ours is due Sept. 24, btw).
Sept. 16 was most common. Feb. 29 was least common. This heatmap is an effort to visualize the trends, with darker shades representing more births:"

Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug poster

čtvrtek 6. června 2013

Beer Brewed with Actual Beard Hair Exists (FoodBeast)

Beard Beer, sounds like a bro’s choice of brew right? Maybe, if you’re into beer literally brewed from beard yeast.
Created by Rogue Ales, Brewmaster John Maier came up with the idea on a whim. Just for funsies one day, Maier extracted yeast from his very own beard to produce a sweet, distinct ale, or “Beard Beer.”
Available to order online, the product description helps to clarify any misconceptions, just in case you thought things were getting a little too hairy.
It’s here! Our latest brew dedicated to Beards, Beard Beer is brewed with a yeast created from Brewmaster John Maier’s Beard. No Need to freak out, Brewers have used wild yeasts in beer making for centuries. John has had the same Old Growth Beard since 1983 and for over 15,000 brews, so it is no great surprise that a natural yeast ideal for brewing was discovered in his beard.
What does Beard Beer taste like? Try it, we think you’ll be surprised…
I’m not too sure I’m into those kinds of surprises.
Just to clarify, this isn’t a “shake due to settling” situation, and the brew doesn’t have any wild hairs floating around in it. Whew, that makes it all better, right?
Beard Beer, $6.75 @ Rogue 

úterý 4. června 2013

Heydrichova smrt je opředena sítí teorií a domněnek (CT)

Praha – Okolo příčiny úmrtí zastupujícího říšského protektora vzniklo mnoho teorií. Dle první úmrtní zprávy zemřel Reinhard Heydrich na celkovou sepsi organismu v nemocnici Na Bulovce. Sám autor ale nakonec její závěr pozměnil a tvrdil, že se jednalo o anemický šok. Další teorie mluví o arteriální formě embolie, související s drobným poraněním plíce, které se mohlo u pacienta přehlédnout. Jedna z populárních teorií také tvrdí, že Heydricha zavraždil sám K. H. Frank, protože v něm viděl velkou konkurenci. Žádná z nich se nepotvrdila, historik Vojtěch Šustek teď ale v Ústředním státním archivu našel pitevní protokol Heydricha, o němž se vědci desetiletí domnívali, že se ztratil anebo byl záměrně zlikvidován. Mýty kolem Heydrichovy smrti jsou podle něj vyřešeny.

Ze zprávy o pitvě zastupujícího říšského protektora Heydricha provedené dne 4. června 1942 ve 12 hodin v městské nemocnici Bulovka vyplývá, že nečistota, kterou do těla vnesla plechová střepina ze sedadla Heydrichova auta, vyvolala sepsi. Chirurgové navíc vyjmuli zraněnému roztrženou slezinu, což jeho imunitu výrazně snížilo. Význam unikátního pitevního protokolu spočívá podle Šustka v tom, že se definitivně vyvrací zažitá tvrzení o podílu šéfa německé rozvědky admirála Wilhelma Canarise či druhého muže nacistického Německa Henricha Himmlera na Heydrichově smrti. Canaris či Himmler podle těchto spekulací nařídili lékařům, aby šéfa gestapa špatně léčili, čímž by se zbavili konkurenta v boji o moc.  
Z informací, které uvedl pořad České televize "Heydrich – konečné řešení: Souboj na Bulovce", vyplývá, že u operace zastupujícího říšského protektora byly tři klíčové osoby. Profesor Walther Dick, přednosta chirurgie na Bulovce, profesor Josef Hohlbaum, přednosta německé univerzitní chirurgické kliniky na Karlově náměstí, a doktor Alois Honěk, chirurg narkotizér.
V době operace se celá nemocnice změnila v pevnost, okolí chirugického pavilonu bylo obklopeno jednotkami SS a nechyběla ani kulometná hnízda. Sám Heydrich ležel v kanceláři přednosty chirurgické kliniky, kterou nacisté předělali na nemocniční pokoj.
V pořadu je popsán celý průběh Heydrichovy operace, při které byla ve finální fázi odstraněna slezina. I přes operaci ale Heydrich zemřel, pitva jeho těla byla podle dokumentu provedena atypicky. Jednalo se totiž jen o částečnou pitvu, nepitvala se třeba hlava nebo krční orgány. Při pitvě se tedy nepodařilo najít zřetelnou příčinu smrti, pravděpodobně k ní proto došlo šokem, popisuje dokument ČT.
Někteří jsou přesvědčeni o Heydrichově otravě, jiní ji vyvracejí
Mikrobioložka Věra Fraňková z Ústavu pro lékařskou mikrobiologii a imunologii 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze ale uvedla, že sepse nebyla možná. Otrava botulotoxinem způsobem, že by tento jed vyprodukovaly bakterie údajně obsažené ve střepinách granátu, které Reinharda Heydricha zasáhly při pokusu o atentát, je podle ní zcela vyloučena. Na otravu tímto jedem mohl říšský protektor zemřít prý pouze tehdy, pokud ho snědl s potravou.
Jedy botulotoxiny jsou podle Fraňkové produktem anaerobních bakterií, což znamená, že kyslík je pro ně jedovatý. Množit se a produkovat botulotoxin mohou pouze v prostředí bez přístupu vzduchu. Jinak přežívají pouze ve formě spor. Ty se běžně dostávají do lidského organismu s potravou, otravu však způsobit nemohou, sdělila mikrobioložka. Zprávy o tomto způsobu použití granátu nemá ani zástupce ředitele Historického ústavu Armády ČR Jiří Dvořan. Podle jeho slov se však domněnky, že Heydrich nezemřel na přímé následky zranění střepinami, objevily již dávno.
Tělo Reinharda Heydricha převezli už druhý den po protektorově smrti z Bulovky na Pražský hrad, ulice tehdy lemovali příslušnící SS s pochodněmi.  Po celém protektorátu proběhla organizována smuteční shromáždění. Po pompézním pohřbu čekal Heydricha ještě jeden v Berlíně. V tu chvíli už měly Lidice za sebou první zatýkání a do úplné likvidace jim zbývalo šest dní.

pondělí 3. června 2013

The Only Lego Set You Will Enjoy Destroying More Than Building It (LegoKinja)

I guess this had to happen sooner or later: Lego's latest and greatest Star Wars megaset is not an awesome spaceship, a short astromech or a moon-sized metal ball that makes death. No, my dear friends, this $250 1,990-piece set is the Ewok Village.

For that price, you get to build "a tree-trunk hideout, secret Lightsaber stash, spider web, net traps, slide, catapults, an elevating throne, a bridge, rope walkways, vine and leaf elements, kitchen, food storage area, bedroom and a planning room."

The Strangest Alcoholic Beverages Ever to Touch a Human Tongue

"You may pride yourself on your ability to hold your alcohol, but would you sip on vino infused with snakes and scorpions? How about a tonic of three-day-old mice? Here are some of the weirdest alcoholic drinks we've come across. Some sound delicious, while others you'd have to be drunk to down."

FULL GALLERY and info -

Photos of Famous Landmarks While They Were Still Under Construction (

We're used to seeing modern landmarks in their completed glory, but we gain a new appreciation for those familiar monuments when we see them in progress, and remember all the labor that went into bringing them to life.

FULL GALLERY - - Sydney Opera House, Golden Gate Bridge, Tower Bridge, Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, Atomium and some more

neděle 2. června 2013

Flood alert in some regions (Lidovky, Aktualne)

"Heavy rain last night increased the water level of rivers in the northern, western and southern parts of Bohemia, specifically the Usti nad Labem, Plzen, Karlovy Vary, Liberec and South Bohemian regions.
Central Bohemian Regional Office Director Zdenek Stetina called a working group meeting on Friday morning in order to prepare for a possible flood threat during the weekend.
Prague City Hall spokeswoman Tereza Kralova said that "preventive anti-flood measures" have been implemented after the water level of the Vltava river increased. The Prague City Hall reacted by closing floodgates at the Certovka channel and asking drivers to move their cars from the Vltava riverbank. Also, all events scheduled to take place at the river bank, including the regular Saturday farmers' market and the Khamoro Roma festival, were canceled or moved to another location. Ship traffic near Prague has been suspended and the capital city's ports closed."